Monday 3 November 2008

Further Contacts

I sent another message to Julia Hailes who is an author of the New Green Consumer Guide, which I find extremely interesting and helpful. I have emailed her and keep my fingers crossed to recive an answer.

As my email to Energy Saving Trust bounced back I have tried another way of getting there, I finally get response to check their website carefully and look at their resources online. I sent a thank you email.

Also another thing is which I am investigating.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I really like the stories you have collected which showed if you consciously make a descision you are labeled weird. Are these your own interviews. Could you make up a set and create weird portraits?
You've investigated a lot of material, but i am still unclear to your areas of interest o potential directions.

It would be very useful to create a summary at this point. What you might want to say through your stamps?
