I left a BIG PINK DOT on my bathroom door. On a One Bag Nation I found a comment saying that tackling a bad habit can take about a month, and some people suggest that you should do it one habit at a time. I guess it really is a matter of focus for me, as I just forget about giving it enough attention. I have put further pink dots near my microwave, near the main plug for my computer and TV, as well I took my daughter today to assist nearby as I took a shower, so she would keep me slightly disturbed and shorten the length of my bath time. It was a successful try, although I enjoyed it much less than usual.
You are on a great track there. The bright pink is a great visual reminder. I also read that it is consistency and being aware on a daily basis. Good stuff!
I added a few links on my page about changing habits, but thought this one was pretty good as well. It is old, but has the same information I am finding in today's research.
We could research together about this subject if you like, just let me know!
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